Good News – May 2018

Spring Commencement Celebrated at Southern Nazarene University

上周六,南拿撒勒大学举行了第115届毕业典礼, May 12, 2018, conferring over 400 degrees in two ceremonies. University President, Dr. 凯斯·纽曼(图左)主持了他的春季毕业典礼. Carla Sunberg, General Superintendent for the Church of the Nazarene, delivered the Commencement address.

Dr. Sunberg于2017年6月当选为总监督办公室. At the time of her election, she was president of Nazarene Theological Seminary in Kansas City, MO, where she had been serving since January 2014. She and her husband, Chuck, 作为前往前苏联的先驱传教士,他工作了13年, 然后作为东俄亥俄拿撒勒地区教会的共同负责人. 她给毕业生们的信息是呼吁他们利用在首尔大学学到的东西, beyond a first-class education, that is, the virtues of moral excellence found in Christian principles that, when practiced, will define their character in every situation. 她鼓励毕业生拥抱自己的信仰,敢于与众不同,以创造自己的世界, and their lives, better.

令人垂涎的总统奖颁发给了凯琳·卡明斯小姐和卡明斯先生. Travis Vernier, 1968届的返校毕业生被评为今年的黄金毕业生. 上午的仪式以常春藤环85年的传统结束, 今年的毕业生们聚集在校园中心购物中心的学习之灯周围. Fittingly, 这是他们作为班级的最后一幕,他们的本科之旅从新生学院的烛光仪式开始.

The afternoon ceremony for Professional and Graduate Studies programs 获颁“杰出成就奖”,以彰显其重要性, 表彰每个项目组中学业优异的毕业生, community service and leadership.

As part of the Commencement week activities, 传统项目的毕业生聚集在一起参加周五的学士学位典礼, May 11, 2018 with Dr. Fay Sheldon Quanstrom, graduate of SNU (’63) speaking. Rev. Dr. 昆斯特罗姆在英格兰的教会担任工作人员和牧师的角色, Illinois and Arizona, and taught for 11 years, 包括西北拿撒勒大学和橄榄拿撒勒大学的职位.

In each of the Commencement ceremonies, Dr. 纽曼在结尾处向毕业生们提出了一个挑战,让他们倾听耶稣对我们的呼召,让我们过上“永生到底”的生活方式. Dr. Newman said, “Our hope, our encouragement, 我们的祈祷是,你将离开这个地方,做一些伟大的事情——但你将通过服务来做这些伟大的事情, by choosing to “Live Last.”

Golden Grads Model LiveLast Leadership

在南拿撒勒大学的毕业典礼上,有一个伟大的传统,就是表彰50年前获得毕业证书的毕业生, from what was then known as Bethany Nazarene College.

今年的颁奖典礼邀请了一群杰出的1968届毕业生. 他们的金色毕业典礼以在首尔大学校友欢迎中心与校长Keith Newman共进早餐开始. Golden Grads then participated in the morning Commencement, including the processional, with recognition of each Golden Grad during the ceremony. In addition to a celebratory luncheon that followed, 每位参与的毕业生都获得了一面印有伯大尼拿撒勒学院印章的漂亮纪念章, and the seal of Southern Nazarene University on the other.

今年的黄金毕业生为他人服务,为母校带来荣誉. 在今年能够归国的学生中,有一些是在国内外全职服事的毕业生, as well as business leaders, educators, medical professionals and other diverse career paths. But, bonded by transformational experiences at BNC/SNU, 并以品格-文化-基督的生活方式为指导,这是他们教育的基础, 他们把耶稣在马可福音9章35节中所说的话付诸实践,他叫他的门徒要“作众人中末后的,作众人的用人”.”

想了解更多关于首尔大学黄金毕业生计划的信息,请联系校友关系 or visit

Cummings and Vernier Receive President’s Award

在传统课程中,毕业班获得的最高奖项是总统奖. Each year, 该奖项由学院和管理部门颁发,男女学生均可获得, based on their Christian example, scholarship, appreciation of learning, loyalty and cooperation, service and leadership.

Dr. 首尔大学执行副校长迈克·雷德万宣布,凯琳·卡明斯小姐和卡明斯先生将在首尔大学就职. 特拉维斯·维尔尼尔被选为今年这个令人垂涎的奖项的获得者. According to Dr. Redwine, “While all of the finalists met the criteria at the highest level, and made a lasting impact on the university, 今年的受奖人是因他们在服务和事工方面的杰出表现而获选, and their embodiment of Character-Culture-Christ.”

Kaylin Cummings是Gary和Christi (Henderson) Cummings的女儿,来自北卡罗来纳州加斯顿. Kaylin毕业于教育/社会研究理学学士学位. She was highly involved on campus, including symphonic band and SNU Marching Band, 是全国领导与成功学会的财务主管和首尔大学荣誉课程的秘书.

While at SNU, 凯琳参加了伯大尼拿撒勒人各各他教会的敬拜乐队,并在那里服侍, OK and was active in the college group. She plans to teach history in the Oklahoma City area. 凯琳现在是她家族中第三个获得这个奖项的成员. Her father, Gary, received the award in 1988, and her maternal grandmother, Sherrill (Chandler) Henderson, was the recipient in 1964.

Travis Vernier is the son of Dr. Stephen and Rebecca Vernier of Yukon, OK. 崔维斯获得牧灵部理学学士学位,辅修军事科学. He has been involved in several areas including pep band, symphonic band and jazz band, served as University Marshal his Junior year, was a member of the SNU Mortar Board, 并在生物/化学系担任助教.

While at SNU, 特拉维斯参加了伯大尼拿撒勒第一教会,在那里他担任乐队的首席小号, participated in bell choir and was active in the college group. 毕业后,特拉维斯将进入俄克拉荷马大学医学院学习. 他计划利用他的医学训练,到神差遣他去的地方去服事.

Dr. 基思·纽曼向每位接受者赠送了一件美丽的斯科特·斯蒂尔曼雕塑,并对他们说, “凯琳和特拉维斯是仆人式领导能力的典范,我们希望他们在首尔大学学习期间能够得到发展或提高. 我们知道,他们离开首尔大学时准备迎接生活的挑战,并为他们的同事树立榜样, or fellow graduate students, what it means to LiveLast, a lifestyle based on the words of Jesus, who invites us to put the needs of others ahead of our own.” He added, “他们为我们的校园留下的遗产邀请未来的学生跟随他们的脚步. We are proud of Kaylin and Travis, 并期待看到上帝如何使用他们为我们的世界做出贡献.”

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